Do women really have more rights than men in Islam?

When the question of the rights of Muslim women in Islam is brought up, you will hear all kinds of explanations from Muslim men. Some Muslim men will go as far as to say that "women have more rights than men in Islam". But is this true? I've decided to take a closer look at…

Muslim Misogynists

Salaam, Muslims often like to say that Islam is the first of anything to give women rights and some even go as far as to say that women have more rights than men in Islam. They like to give Aisha as an example of a scholar. They like to talk about Khadija as a businesswoman.…

Hadith About Women – A Must Read

Salamun Alaykum. I posted these hadith here as well but I felt that they deserved a post of their own. If any of these are 'inauthentic' or the references are incorrect then please do let me know. ♦ Umm Salamah (RA) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “Whichever woman dies while her husband is pleased with…