The other day I was going through the spam folder of my email after a long time just to see if I would find something interesting or perhaps important… and surely, there it was, a private message left on my YouTube account. At first, this man seemed like the typical brainwashed “Muslim” with his male chauvinistic views. It was apparent that he was responding to some comment I had left on a video.

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I’ve spoken to men with similar mindsets so this wasn’t exactly anything new. According to him and like-minded individuals, God knows that men “need” sex slaves of sorts in Paradise as a reward for their “good” deeds. Sounds ironic somehow, doesn’t it? They also tend to make it seem like women have little to no sexual desire.
I responded with my usual response about many women having equal to or higher sexual desire than men. so what for them? And hurs (companions) being for both men and women etc.

What shocked me was his next response and it’s the reason I felt compelled to make this post and expose the way the minds of some brainwashed men function.


Did he really say what I think he said? That women not enjoying rape equates to women having low sexual libido/appetite/desire? So does he mean that if women enjoyed rape, they would have a high sex drive? Is there even a correlation?! He even goes on to say, “The reason is women don’t have a libido.” Is this man for real? If women don’t have libido, does that mean every single woman is being raped when in a relationship? How does this even make any sense? By his logic, if a man does not want to rape, does he have a low libido? The more I question his words, the more I can feel myself becoming dumber. His statements are ridiculously atrocious and nonsensical. He even explains why some men “have” to rape women. To me, he seems like a danger.

And why is he saying all this? Just to tell me that men will receive “hur al ayn” (he thinks these are women) in Jannah because they “need” several sexual partners due to their “high sexual libido”. He is also trying to tell me this because I’m a woman and “women will not receive hurs because they don’t have high libido like men.” I might as well also add the common arguments that are put forward: that Muslim women will be married to their worldly husbands without any choice, rancour will be removed from their hearts so they don’t feel jealous of their husbands sleeping with “hur al ayn” while being given material possessions instead such as jewellery and clothes because “that is what all women want.” Some men will go as far as to say that ‘hurs’ are their motivation to work for Paradise. Not the love for God, meeting the prophets but.. ‘hurs’.




It’s sad that he actually believes that and even that God would use such vulgar words. He seems to believe that God made women as commodities, in that they will just be bundled together and handed to each man. Astaghfirullah. He does not seem to understand the meaning of “companionship”.

The concept of “hur-al-ayn” is full of contradictions, which the so-called “logical and rational” sex refuses to see. First, let’s break down “human nature” into black-and-white, misogynistic and simplistic definitions, as some men like to put it:

Woman = Wanst one man all to herself.
Man = Wants multiple women.

So, why would God reward men at the expense of women? Why can a man break the limit of “4 wives” but a woman can’t even have one loyal man all to herself (which is apparently her nature)? Why can’t she break the limit of one husband? God can make multiple creatures (sex slaves, let’s face it) for men, God can take away women’s jealousy, and make these creatures “loyal” all just to please insecure and jealous men but apparently, cannot do the same for women?

It goes something like this based on the majority male scholarly view:

A Muslim woman will be rewarded with her worldly husband (i.e be stuck with him) and will have the pleasure of sharing him with several other women. Her beauty will be elevated tremendously to be even more pleasurable to her husband! Her jealousy will be taken away so that she can peacefully watch her husband copulate with other women, and as a bonus, she will be made Queen over the “huris” with absolutely no power whatsoever. At least she will have her immensely good looks, which are apparently not enough for her sex-maniac husband anyway! But it’s okay, ladies, here’s some jewellery!”

This seems to be the God’s justice that Muslim men believe in. It definitely seems like men are the jealous ones, doesn’t it? They just cannot fathom the fact that women (including their wives) will also have whatever they desire. Or that women will be asking God for what they want and men won’t have a single say in it at all. Well, you’ll all have to deal with it. After all, there won’t be jealousy in Jannah, right?

To further emphasize the point that men seem to be the ones who are more jealous, we don’t have to look further than to note their vehement denial of the fact that women are also sexual beings who may desire someone other than their husbands but have to practice patience as well. Or their desperation to have their women be loyal to them. Just look at this quote:

Rawdat al-Muhibbeen, p. 243, 244
Ibn al-Qayyim said:

“Allaah describes them as being “guarded in pavilions”, i.e., they are prevented from making a display of themselves before anyone except their husbands. They are guarded for their husbands and they do not go out of their houses, and they restrain themselves for them and do not desire anyone else. And Allaah describes them as “Qaasiraat‑ut‑Tarf [chaste females (wives) restraining their glances”. This description is more complete than the first, for one of them restrains her gaze and focuses her love upon her husband, she is content with him and does not look beyond him at anyone else
Allaah describes them as pure: “and they shall have therein Azwaajun Mutahharatun(purified mates or wives)”, pure from menses, urine and the like (stools) and all off-putting features that may exist in the women of this world. And their hearts are pure from envy, annoyance of their husbands, meanness or wishing for husbands other than them.”

Who is more jealous here? It seems to be a desperate attempt of men to keep their women loyal to them while doing whatever they wish for themselves. How does it make sense that a completely loyal woman without any jealousy can be created for a man but a Muslim woman does not get such a man all to herself even though that’s what men claim is her “nature”? Even in the eternal world, she is supposedly a subservient woman with all her desires taken away from her, merely serving as a robot to her husband? Surely, that is like going from the Hell of this world to another Hell!

Furthermore, what kind of creatures are these poor “hooris”? Not being allowed out of their houses, sitting there waiting for their supposed husbands to come and copulate with them and then move on to the next one? What kind of person wants this sort of impurity in a pure place? Aren’t we supposed to want to get rid of these lowly human desires in the next life?

I would like to point out this definition:

You will find that the Arabic word ‘Hur’ is the plural of both ‘Ahwar’ which is masculine and ‘Hawra’ which is feminine. The word generally signifies the intense whiteness of the white of the eye and the intense blackness of the pupils.

“The Qur’an describes in several verses that you will have have “azwaj” in Paradise which means a pair/spouse/companion. Companions pure and holy (mutaharratun means pure, holy).”

Qur’an – 2:25 “But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say: “Why, this is what we were fed with before”, for they are given things in similitude; and they have therein companions pure; and they abide therein (forever)”. [Al-Qur’an 2:25]

Qur’an – 4:57 “But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, We shall soon admit to Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath – their eternal home; therein shall they have companions pure and holy: we shall admit them to shades, cool and ever deepening”.

“Therefore the word hoor has no specific gender. Mohammad Asad has translated the word hoor as spouse and Abdullah Yusuf Ali as companion. Therefore according to some scholars a man in paradise will have a hoor that is a beautiful maiden with beautiful big and lustrous eyes and a woman in paradise will get a man with beautiful big and lustrous eyes.” This is how Dr Zakir Naik described it as well.
A more literal translation: hur = beautiful, al ayn = eyes.

In Surah Rahman chapter 55 verse 72

“Companions reserved, in goodly pavilions.”

According to men, this verse is about women who will only look at their “new worldly husbands” because characteristics of being reserved and modest are feminine traits. Do these men, therefore, also believe the Prophets were immodest men if modesty is only a “feminine” trait?

How can so-called Muslim scholars and men preach that “pure companions” equates to sex slaves? It’s common to see misleading words added in brackets in translations of the Qur’an. Next to hur, you might find “fair maiden”. And you know what many idiots take that as? White-skinned women, yes you read that right. I even read comments by a man on this issue saying things akin to “If there is a white woman and a black one, it’s normal to be attracted to the white one.” It’s truly horrific. These men don’t seem to be only misogynistic, but also racist.

Scholars definitely have had a hand in brainwashing people too. It’s quite sad to see that even many Muslim women have accepted certain things to be part of Islam without doing any research or using their brains. Some have put a stone on their hearts and taken inequality as their ‘fate’ or ‘God’s decision’. Their belief in God needs to be stronger. Not an atom’s weight worth of injustice will be done to anyone. According to God, we will have whatever we want. ‘We’ includes women.

Qur’an – 25:16 “For them therein is whatever they wish, abiding eternally. It is ever upon your Lord a promise requested.”

Qur’an – 50:35 “There will be for them therein all that they wish, – and more besides in Our Presence.”

Qur’an – 39:34 “They will have whatever they desire with their Lord. That is the reward of the doers of good –“
(See also, 16:31, 21:102, 36:57, 43:71)

It’s unfortunate that the beautiful reward of Heaven for us undeserving humans has become a positive, no-questions-asked topic of discussion for men while many women have to question and understand why it supposedly isn’t the same for them.

Just to make a point, let me reverse the roles so that my Muslim brothers can understand.

Dear brothers, worry not about the handsome, chiselled and tall hoors your wife will be receiving. You will not feel any jealousy as you will be kings over these hoors! You will be much more handsome. Women have struggled a lot in this life because of menstruation, childbirth, unappreciative husbands, male violence and oppression. They have struggled with their sexual desires and abstinence. They have struggled with their husbands not satisfying them sexually. They deserve to have their desires satisfied. But don’t worry brothers! You will be perfectly happy and content with your cars and fancy suits.

Dear sisters, you patiently persevered! Your reward of multiple handsome men awaits you! These men will be without impurities, they won’t urinate, be hairy beasts, or smell foul. They will be well-endowed, have chiselled abs, and you will have the sexual prowess of 100 women! You will never be tired of doing the deed. They will be modest men with restrained glances, and be loyal only to you!

Muslim men, do you really think your wife doesn’t find any other man attractive? Why do you think God has also told women to “lower their gaze and guard their private parts”? Why do you think the same punishment of adultery would apply to women as well? Are you so insecure and jealous that you want to live in the deslusion that women never have an attraction towards anyone but their husbands? No wonder some Muslim men want to keep women locked inside.

So, someone asked me if there are any scholars who think differently about this hoor topic. Below are a few scholars/sources I have come across. I’m posting these because I was asked and not necessarily because I follow any of these scholars/authors.

8 The noun hur – rendered by me as “companions pure” – is a plural of both ahwar (masc.) and
hawra (fem.), either of which describes “a person distinguished by hawar”, which latter term
primarily denotes “intense whiteness of the eyeballs and lustrous black of the iris” (Qamus).
In a more general sense, hawar signifies simply “whiteness” (Asas) or, as a moral qualification,
“purity” (cf. Tabari, Razi and Ibn Kathir in their explanations of the term hawariyyun in 3:52).
Hence, the compound expression hurin signifies, approximately, “pure beings [or, more
“companions pure”], most beautiful eye” (which latter is the meaning of in, the plural of ayan).


According to the book The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran by Christoph Luxenberg, hoors are grapes/raisins. And honestly? Not everyone even translates the word to mean some type of human-like being, and the correct answer is that we don’t know. All we know is that they’re not just a reward for men but anyone who enters Paradise.

In the end, whichever interpretation you choose to follow, much like the other controversial topics, is a reflection of you and your character. This reminds me of a quote by Sheikh Khaled Abou El Fadl:

“I haven’t encountered a single person who has journeyed the path of the Lord, the journey towards the Lord, where they hear the Tasbih of creation and the prostration of creation, that remains interested in the sexual pleasures of the hereafter. Not a single person. It’s just not interesting to them anymore. It’s not in their heart.”

Dear Muslim men, stop being like this:


Try to be humble, caring and good humans. Not misogynistic nuisances. Stop portraying Islam in a bad light.

Just to be clear, I’m not pointing my finger at all Muslim men. There are those who believe in equality and are not sex maniacs but are modest and understanding, those who speak with reason.

I also want to thank the sisters who commented and shared their experiences with this issue. It really is a difficult world to navigate as a woman.

Here’s a page with hadith that all Muslims should read! –> Click.

Thanks for reading.

May Allah SWT guide and bless us.

35 thoughts on ““Hur Al Ayn” in Jannah and Ridiculous men

  1. i think little baby posted that kind of post on facebook
    here is the answer to his questions.
    Why cannot women rape man if she want him for sex?
    because man are powerful and can hit women that’s why she cant rape man because he will not sex with her until he want. for example if a women raped a beautiful man for sex and now she want him to sex with her, will raped beautiful man accept her request? absolutely NO! but if man rape women he will be easily able to sex with her because he can easily come over the women LOL 😛
    Why women takes money after having sex with the man?
    Answer of the second question:
    Wuhooo! double fun! the first was the sex and the second was money what a enjoyable thing! you mean when women gets money after having sex it means she didn’t enjoy? who said it to you??
    I am very beautiful white man and my girl friends ask me to sex with them and offered me lots of money if i sex with them but i did not accept their request :p
    women also enjoys sex


  2. To claim you can have anything in Jannah is fundamentally wrong.

    You cannot desire to murder someone in Jannah for instance. It is unanimous that women will only get one husband since thats how it works. To claim otherwise is ignorant and disrespectful to Islamic tradition of scholarship. You cannot just cite simple verses and think you’re qualified. So please, crawl under your rock and stay there.


    1. I believe God’s words over yours.

      Oh wait, your words aren’t your own anyway, are they? You did not come to a conclusion using your own AQL, did you? Is it the typical “scholars say this”, “scholars have agreed upon this” or “laymen cannot understand this” kind of drivel?
      If you have any of your own logic and understanding to counter mine, then please do bring forth.

      Tradition! Aah! What does the Qur’an say about tradition and following older generations and forefathers for the sake of following? Please enlighten us with some verses from the Qur’an.

      “Unanimous”? There is no such thing. There are differences of opinion and if you had used your brain, you would have read these differences in my post.
      My brain understands that Allah has promised both women and men (who reach Jannah) the blessings therein, equally. You, however, seem to believe in oppressing and controlling women. But I’m not surprised. This is a common issue with Muslim men which is one huge reason why Islam is seen in a bad light. First so many Muslim men want to treat Muslim women as less than humans in this world and then they’re hoping for the same in the afterlife? Never will such vile desires come true.

      Do you mean that “scholars” are above the Qur’an, God’s Word? What you mean is, that only men can have everything they want in Jannah, correct? What you mean is, that women will be limited, controlled and will be devoid of choice in Jannah, while it will be the opposite for men? What you mean is, that women will be stuck with a man who will have several sex buddies while they will be “Queens” without any sort of power? And finally, what you mean is, that Jannah is not a place of happiness and where all your wishes will come true as God promises?

      Don’t worry, you won’t feel any jealousy towards your wife’s choice of mates either.


  3. I don’t know how I found this webpage! But I have found this link in an Email of my another Email address. What a nice post that someone has thought about my comments.
    Women have less frequent libido than men. A man may be excited many times a day. But women don’t become sexually excited so often unlike men.


    1. Ah! the guy himself, ay? Of course I had to expose the ridiculous ways in which some men’s brains work.
      Seems like you haven’t changed your mind. Let me know if you want me to blur out your username. I shall do it.


      1. Why should I want my identity to be hidden? I did not write anything wrong. So I don’t fear to see my comments shown in a blog.
        You could not prove anything wrong from my statements. Females have excitements but that is very less amount of time than males. That’s why women are dominating in this world. The richest Actress has earned $5+ Billions but the richest Actor has earned only $0.8 Billion. Can you inform any Queen’s name who had multiple sex partners for her enjoyment? No. [If you think that there is no Queen, you are very wrong. Now the person who is the chief of British Empire is a Queen] But many Kings had hundreds of female slaves in their palaces.
        You could not show any female rape male.
        You could not show any female buys male’s time for sex.
        You could not show that any female spends something valuable to have relationship with a male.
        But the opposite incidents happen in the world and that is very common.
        Instead of proving me wrong, you have written something else in this Blog.
        May Allah convince you, Silent Sacrificer.


      2. It’s kind of sad when people remain just the same even when the years go by.

        I have posted verses from the Qur’an. God has spoken. I am convinced.



  4. Many men permit themselves to sexualize, fantasize women and treat them as commodities. They say that at the thought of having “male hoors” breaks them. Men say that it is impure for women to desire male hoors. Why for men this is the opposite? Why can they wish for more wives?

    Don’t they think that women reading about these “maidens” break them apart? Why are we, women, treated like this? Why can’t women do the same?

    Reading hadiths with hoors cursing the wives of the husbands just because they hurt him is putting me off. Doesn’t it happen in all the relationships?

    HOW about someone curses the man that hurts his wife? Why there’s no hadith as that?

    I feel disgusted. I feel disappointed in this religion and I lost faith in men. I lost faith in everything. If Allah made women just to satisfy men’s sexual pleasures, I just wanna to disappear from this disgusting existance.


    1. I just want to not exist any longer. Why feminine figures are treated like this… I want to quit. Why are there so many hadiths and verses scornful of women? From the beginning of the times…

      I wished I wasn’t created.

      I feel like that polytheists and atheists are right to be sorry for muslim women. They are right to be sorry for us…


    2. SalamunAlaykum Helen,

      I really understand you. It also took me a long time to get over this issue. Of course I ended up rejecting this misogynistic, chauvinistic and overly sexualized view. Thankfully, there are different interpretations available. As I mentioned in the blog post, this idea of “hoor al ayn for men only as well as having their worldly wives” is filled with hypocrisy.

      However, God is Fair and Just.

      This verse: “For men and women who are devoted to God- believing men and women, obedient men and women, truthful men and women, steadfast men and women, humble men and women, charitable men and women, fasting men and women, chaste men and women, men and women who remember God often- God has prepared forgiveness and a rich reward.” 33:35 – Abdul Haleem translation.

      It’s very difficult to go through doubts and loss of Faith.

      Please talk to me if you need to.
      My email address is in the description.

      May Allah bless you and make things easy for you. Ameen.


  5. What you don’t understand is that men suffer a lot throughout their whole lifetime. When a boy starts getting his sexual desire, after that he had to control it throughout his whole life many times in every single day. It puts men in ultimate test during Ramadan Month. Because at night there are a lot of prayer when body is weak. But at the same time, sexual excitement is still on body. It’s a daily matter for men for many times. But women don’t have this problem. You, females, don’t suffer this test. You don’t become turned on so easily. But you get the most pleasure during sex. So stop being sad or angry for no reason.
    Yes, God is Just. That’s why He must arrange more rewards & more pleasure for Muslim men because Almighty Allah tests men more than women. Men have more responsibilities, more risks to take, more sufferings to suffer.


    1. I find your comment difficult to take seriously. You clearly have no idea (or are in denial) of the struggles women face. Your logic is boring and oft-repeated. Plenty of women have high sexual desire. Many women have higher sexual desire than their male partners. As for your ridiculous comment about men suffering more… Women suffer a lot in this world. At the hands of men especially. Rape, sexual assault, honor killings, acid attacks, forced marriages, lack of education, domestic violence, judgments, harassment etc. They go through more pain than men through child birth and menstruation. And you want to tell me that men will be rewarded more just because they APPARENTLY are sexually frustrated? Funny. If “suffering” for you is being sexually frustrated then you really need to explore the world more and look at REAL suffering. You should watch what you claim about God. Where does it say men will get more rewards? So you’re saying Islam favours men? If your wife makes it to Jannah inshaAllah, she’ll also have whatever she wants. You won’t have control over that. You won’t be jealous either, remember? I posted clear verses. Take it or keep crying. Salaam.


    2. Do you know women better than ourselves? Do read articles related to women wanting to do ‘that thing’! You’ll be surprised!

      Read this:

      More sexual pleasure for women during ‘that thing’? Are you serious? I am gutted!
      I am absolutely amazed of how ignorant this statement is!

      During Ramadan, God said to BOTH women and men not to do ‘that thing’!!! God said to BOTH women and men to protect their private parts!!!

      Angry and sad for no reason, you say?
      How about we women use your body as an entertaintment? How about we women use men as sex-toys?

      Is this your justice? Is this what you were hoping for? Treat us women as mindless sex-toys?

      Is this the judgement of your mother? Did you get the concept I am trying to bring?

      I do apologise to everyone who felt offended by reading this comment, but I had to tell. I can’t contain myself to the amount of nonsense I have read!


      1. Good point about Ramadan being a time of restriction for both men and women. Some men seem to pick and choose or are just ignorant. For example, women are also told to lower their gaze in the Qur’an. Men should take wisdom from this.


    3. If there as you say doesn’t want sex, then why are they punished for adultery? Shouldn’t men only punished for it since they are the one who have desire and want sex and women doesn’t? Most women as you speak like good sex not a mess. Most men doesn’t know that women want sex but they love to have a good. Most men just put ‘it’ in and then they get what they want. I know women who loves sex and do it every day and many women over 50’s even 60’s love sex. You may ask why? Becouse their husband gives them the sex they want. Sex is right for the man and women, but women have more control not to mention in our society sees sex only right for men not for women and any women says she want to have sex they call her slut or whore. To sad that you don’t know that islam give women the right to divorce her husband if her not give her what she want in bed or it he left her a long time without sex .If you remeber the story about the Omar when he asked his daughter when they go to war who how long a women can be patient without having sex, she was shy to tell but she said four months ( but it differet from women to another there one who want every day or one who want twice, etc), then he order the men to come back home every four month to give their wives their sexual right, and they were more fair back then they didn’t deny their women sexual desires and they didn’t feel ashamed that their women have it and they were trying their best to give them their right because in judgment day they will be asked about it, both the husband and wife have tight for each other and the common one is sex. FYI, they are many girl thinks about boy when I was in high school girls were obsessed about boy and they have many cute shirtless guy picture in their phone. Many girl write fanfiction and sexual stories that they express their sexual and romatic desire. A good example for that is the stupid book 50 shade of gray that content many sexual parts in it. Why only female read it? Shouldn’t it be males, since they are the one who has sexual desires. This book was read by married women and they enjoy it. I never read it but many female in my university talk about it and they daydream about it. To come to the suffering I belive every one suffer in this world and has his own test differet than the other. They was this experiment in my university about testing can men bear childbirth pain. They were man test subject and let men tell you all of them could take it the first 3 to 5 minutes they give up only one stay and when the experiment finish he said he need to go and kiss his mother feet. He couldn’t describe the pain. My mother always said that women die and rebirth durning child pain , so it something very very painful. Not mention period pain along with the pain, the mood change, and hormones change. Every one suffer men and women no one is suffer more and no one suffer less. For that Allah said that you will have whatever your heart desire. There differet desires from person to another. Work to jannah and Allah will never disappoint anyone men or females.

      Liked by 1 person

    4. Men have no challenges in this life, they have it so easy. Just say your a pervert to uses and twists islam for your own sexual pleasure.


  6. May Allah bless you for raising my mood a little bit. I was very religious as a young child, praying 5x a day and fasting etc. Then one day in my teens I came across a YouTube video about hur al ayns and straight away I started to question everything. By Allah, this issue has driven me so so so far from religion. I have completely stopped praying and fasting because I feel like my own god didn’t think about my happiness. Astafurilla.
    Each and every time I read an article, the replies are “stop questioning god” “Yh but you’ll be more pretty than the hurs” or “dw all jealousy will be taken out of you” …… PLEASE STOP. So I’m being brainwashed into being fine with it? So just because I would be prettier I should be okay with my husband sleeping with hurs? So it’s just men who had a hard time on this earth sexually that they deserve sex slaves? How about women who had to stop themselves and their deserted of sleeping with multiple men ? Oh wait, they’ll be forced to be content with their one husband or else it will hurt his little ego? Sometimes I TRY HARD to bring myself back to religion by thinking things like “men only mention female hurs because mentioning Male hurs would hurt their ego and pride , so they try to only emphasise female hurs” but then I come across things that just push me off the straight path again.
    Wallahi I am so torn at heart. I want to be a good Muslim pious women but this issue is the ONLY thing stopping me. It’s not good enough to tell me to “work towards getting into Jannah first and then worrying about all these things” because HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WORK TOWARDS JANNAH WHEN IM IN SO MUCH PAIN?! YA ALLAH , don’t you see the pain and sorrow it’s causing your female creation?! astafurilla. I am truly saddened and have lost faith. Please pray for me. I truly hope that the descriptions of disgusting detail about vaginas etc was not spoken by our shy pious prophet and definitely not from Allah. I truly hope these insecure men stop passing information down which fits into their own idea of Jannah.


    1. AsalamuAlaykum,

      Thanks for the comment! I went through a similar experience as you when it came to this topic. In the end, the people who claim “men will have multiple fair-skinned women” don’t really have Qur’anic support to back up their arguments. They simply follow and believe in the male-biased translations/interpretations/lectures. I almost feel like a lot of men have internalized this belief that they are sex-maniacs because of being told so/by society?

      Allah knows best.

      If you want someone to talk to, feel free to email me at:
      Take care. 🙂


    2. Sorry, I should have mentioned… I know it’s easy to just tell you to “Trust Allah. Allah is Just” but that is what we have to believe in. We need to break our minds free from what people say and trust God. I will make dua for you, inshaAllah.


    3. Salaam sister I know it’s late but I just wanted to check in to see how your doing regarding this issue and if you have healed and been guided back to Islam. I feel the exact same way as you do right now. I hope Allah granted you peace and ease.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Salaam sister. I was very upset with the idea of hoor at first but I had the exact same thinking as you. The whole idea of hoor just put me off ever wanting a husband or wanting to love someone. The whole hoor carry on also made me stray away from Islam and get upset with Allah (astagfirullah) because I was in a mindset where I thought we were just programmed to accept and support the fact our husbands will do that in Jannah and hey jealous of us if we even looked at other man! I came back to Islam with changed views on this. This hoor stuff broke my heart so bad that I really left Islam for 6 months. This blog really put me to ease.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu sister 🌹thank you for this writing on this topic. I’m a revert alhamdulilah but before I became a Muslim the hoor al ayn topic was the one thing that held me back from Islam. I had forgotten about it when I did convert, but it’s something that comes up every now and again and absolutely breaks my heart. The Quran does not claim that men will sleep with the hoor al ayn, men simply assume it. But hearing it over and over again from every scholar that men will have a f*ck fest in Jannah is absolutely beyond my comprehension. How can heaven be about such material and sexual needs? We will see Allah how could we consider sex as a reward when WE WILL SEE ALLAH!?! The topic brings my Iman so low that I could leave Islam over it, as the Allah I love would not hurt women in such a way, or create a Jannah that caters so much to men and their sexual needs. Why would anyone even have such human needs in Jannah?? How could I share my husband with 72 women when I have suffered and grown in this life with him and they have never had to go through any difficulties with him?
    Do you know of any scholars who do not share the opinion that men will sleep with all these hoor al ayn? Please share if you do!
    Jazak Allah khair


    1. Walaikumasalaam Ameenah 🙂 I totally agree with you. I went through an extremely tough time because of this topic. They say we should work hard for Jannah but why would we work hard if THIS is the afterlife awaiting us? I’m just an average Muslimah like yourself but some will tell me I have no authority to be speaking about religious matters like this and that “I must accept this”. No, we do not need to accept this, Islam is for all of us and so is God.
      To answer your question, yes, sort of. I can share some links with you if you like. You are welcome to email me:
      Take care.


  9. Salam blog author! Thank you very much for writing this. I was someone who left Islam for over 8 years. I have since re-accepted Islam but I just focus on my relationship with God. One of my main issues with Islam (back then) was the obvious favouritism towards men, and what they desire. I also find the idea of Jannah being a sexual horn-dog fest to be disgusting. At the time I was convinced the religion was man-made because all of these explanations really lined up with male desires. I always found the female perspective to be missing entirely or misrepresented. My reasoning was this: If this was truly from God, how could He get it wrong entirely on what women want/like? Are we not 50% of His creation? Women do not want to be part of a male’s harem in heaven. The idea is extremely off-putting and makes us question our worth. Many women have left Islam over this issue. If you go to “ex-muslim” forums (which I DON’T RECOMMEND YOU DO), you’ll find several women complaining about this very issue and how it was a catalyst to them questioning their faith and leaving it entirely. I know because I was active on these forums for years and years. I’ve seen the posts and doubts. Most women that have left Islam, have done so because they feel that the religion discriminates against them in favour of males. This hoor issue is one of the ways this perceived discrimination manifests.

    It’s not even the idea of men getting to have sexual relations with multiple women, while we stay chained to our husband. It’s the principle: Its the idea that men’s desires reign over women’s desires whenever there is a conflict. In this case a male’s desire to be polygamous takes precedence over a woman’s desire to have a monogamous relationship. This blatant favouritism goes above Muslim men’s heads because in reality, a lot of them generally see us as inferior. And what about the women who have high sex drives themselves, who may have been monogamous in this life and stayed chaste? What if she wanted her own personal harem? This persistent idea of sexual desire as something foreign to women is one that has bothered me for a long time. Women can be sexual beings too.

    And then to say, “it’s fine ladies you get clothes and jewellery”! It really displays such a sad understanding of women. Now I gravitate towards the explanations you mentioned in this blog. I avoid Muslim men talking about hoors in general. Muslim men have made me question my faith a thousand times. Ultimately, I have a strong connection with The Creator which I am immensely grateful for. I know that the Creator is Just and Merciful. The way hoors have been described go against justice, for women. Therefore, these descriptions are false. The misogynistic males have bent Islam to fit their sexual desires. May God hold them accountable for how many women they’ve led away from Islam.


    1. Salaam 🙂
      Thank you for sharing your story. I think similarly too now, that I want to focus on my relationship with God instead of falling for the nonsense that Muslim men have made Islam out to be.

      You said: “It’s the idea that men’s desires reign over women’s desires whenever there is a conflict. In this case a male’s desire to be polygamous takes precedence over a woman’s desire to have a monogamous relationship.”
      100% agree. Even if we simplify it like this, it’s still unfair because apparently, men will be able to break the limit of “4 wives”, yet a woman can’t even have one all to herself and can’t break the limit of one husband. This is 100% about favouring men. Why would God allow men to be able to do something at the expense of women? They so badly want to convince people that all women are, by nature, monogamous yet God still won’t even give us one, loyal spouse? But men will get multiple women (sex slaves) who won’t look at any other man? It just proves how jealous and insecure they are.

      I do like the way Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl put it:
      “I haven’t encountered a single person who has journeyed the path of the Lord, the journey towards the Lord, where they hear the Tasbih of creation and the prostration of creation, that remains interested in the sexual pleasures of the hereafter. Not a single person. It’s just not interesting to them anymore. It’s not in their heart.”
      What a level of state to achieve?

      Also, don’t worry, I’ve seen a lot of ex-Muslim arguments and saw a friend of mine leave Islam too.
      I’m glad you managed to come back though and I hope you will be able to keep your faith in God.
      Take care.


  10. Assalamu alaikum ..damnnnn after reading all these comments..irealised i am not the only one…i ws sooo damn heartbroken bcoz of this hoor that i badmouthed islam astaghfirullah…i listen to so many scholars but the response ws same moreover..that jealousy will be removed and u will have no prob..and u will get something better while they be smirking about the hoors instead of realising that his wife is goon na be with him..Alhamdulillah i am good now….after holding on to the words of Allah..and srsly some males can never ever accept that their wives can have male desires it just hurts their ego so damnnn much…i mean…they be like we get hoor and wife and wife gets only husbnd…and the description of hoors by the male scholars apart from Quran just made me sick to the stomach..Quran never ever described hoors as sexual…or for sexual pleasure..Quran only specified hoor for it can be different to so many people…but the sexist minds just made it like a sexual fanatic..damn these males with their fragile egos acting like baby boys…When Allah flearly told me in surah fussilat verse 31 that whatever the inner souls desire will be fulfilled who are u to say me that women will only get her husbnd. This clearly shows u r challenging Alllah on His words…why these sexual maniac males forget thay whatever they are fantasizing about hoors…the almost same quality and even much more will be present in his wife…now they gonna sigh oh shit..iits our wordly wide again..damn these people…let them think whatever they want…I BELIEVE IN THE WORDS OF ALLLAH AND IN SURAH FUSSILAT verse 31 THAT WHATEVER THE INNER SOULS DESIRE WILL BE FULFILLED..we women might not have said the the male cravinggs out of sheer haya and modesty but Allah knows about in within our hearts..u all males cannotvouch for the feelings we chose to hide just to remain chaste in this world…but we will be open with our desires to Allah…we do not even need ur acceptance..Allah is enough.


  11. Walaikumasalaam Amy,

    Thanks for your comment! You’re right, the Quran does not say anything about hoors being sex slaves for men. The Quran mentions nothing about sex in Jannah but perverts have added their own translations/interpretations. If someone needs sex as a motivation to worship God/follow a religion, then they are obviously not on the right path. Even when putting it into words, it sounds absurd.

    Take care


      1. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barokatuh. Hi, author critical muslim. I found your powerfull comment on another blog, which leads me to this blog a few years ago. I re open and re read your blog and find an active comment here. I already massage you via email, hopefully you have time to reply to me.May Allah Always bless you and give you power to help another.


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